Meet Jade, Your Resident BravoBelt Mom
Jade is a BravoBelt user. Here is her experience as a mother who conceal carries with our belly band holster.
"Dangerous situations happen all the time and that’s why I carry with my BravoBelt. The other day, Emory and I had just left our house to go on our afternoon walk. There’s no sidewalk in front of my house or my neighbors’ houses and we have to walk past two hours to get to the nearest one. We were between our neighbor’s house when a convertible Mustang came speeding towards us.
I grabbed Emory and yelled at the driver to slow down. The driver then revved his engine and swerved at us to scare us and yelled “F*ck you!”. Thankfully, I was on the phone with Dustin at the time and he heard everything and came running out of the house.
I got Emory to the sidewalk and when I looked back, the vehicle was turning around. Dustin and the driver yelled at each other but the driver never stopped. He turned down the street I was on, following me and yelling at me, calling me derogatory names. He said he was going to beat and kill me and my daughter.
While he was doing this, he almost hit another vehicle. That driver saw what was happening and pulled over to make sure I was okay. At that time, Dustin was with me too.
Crazy and dangerous situations like this are why I carry with my BravoBelt every day, on every single walk, to almost every single place.”
(You can follow Jade Here: @jade.offduty)
Your Safety Matters
The Second Amendment protects your inherent right to defend your family. However, some argue that having a firearm near children puts them in more danger than it protects them.
Assailants assume you are less likely to protect yourself when you're with your child.
But not you...this is why gun safety training is very important.
A Belly Band Holster with proper trigger protection makes concealment easy as a parent.
(In photo the gent has a TLR-1 Equipped with the new BravoBelt Laser Fit Edition)
⚡️ What are your thoughts about concealed carrying with kids around? Let us know in the comments!
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